Monday 6 June 2016

Creature research

for my project i wanted to add elements of wildlife including plants and animals, i wanted to put a dragon into my work to further emphasise the fantasy theme so i brainstormed different ideas on different styles to make it look unique, things like wings from different creatures to have a mixed creature.

i looked into different wings of creatures like butterflies and different birds and i went with a doves wings for my design, doves being a symbol of peace, i decided to make my dragon look peaceful by not having large horns like typical dragons usually have.

While looking at reference images for doves wings i noticed that showing light passing through their wings was a common trend so i thought about how i could use this in my work since my main focus was the lighting.

Another creature i looked at for research was gryphon's as they were already similar to the creature i had already thought of  but i decided to keep my design as i thought it was more unique.

Rule of thirds

while i was creating my final piece i had tried to stick with the rule of thirds having the top of the bridge sit on the top horizontal line and trying to fit different points into the intersections and poutting the trees to the sides, they don't line up perfectly with the grid but they are close enough to partially demonstrate this technique