Wednesday 9 March 2016

simple sketches

In Photoshop I did 2 quick sketches to get an idea of how I wanted my scene laid out when I come to creating it in Photoshop for my final piece, I added black and white colouring to the second sketch as I was leaning more towards it and thought it would be a more interesting scene, however, the placement of the trees are too close, when I come to create my final concept I will move them much further back to allow me to create more space in the scene.

I would later take different aspects from both layouts when I developed even further, things that had altered is reducing the amount of man made structures to make the scene look more natural

I later on took aspects i liked from each concept and created one i was happy with and would use to later develop my concept art work further.


using an existing photo i already took as reference i tried to re create it within Photoshop as accurately as I could, this was good research for me as to how i can create realistic looking terrain in Photoshop.

If i could re-do this experiment i would put more time and detail when creating the clouds as I thought they lacked.


to practise creating realistic looking terrain in Photoshop i found a reference image and tried to re create it as best i could, i believe i could have done better with the rock as it doesn't look as realistic as id like, to achieve this i will have to spend more time in making sure the depth and shading for the shape of the rock is better as its hard to get a clear picture of the form.

Having done this experiment i can use what i learned when doing my final Photoshop as i now know what i need to do to improve from my experiment work.

I also tired to make different fantasy styled trees, some have slight differences like odd shaped trunks which i prefer the look of compared to the brightly coloured un natural trees.


From the suggestions my other classmates gave me i looked into the different games and films and found reference images that i could in my final concept use as reference, taking different aspects like the floating terrain from avatar and the pink hue of the sky in the witcher.

A game source that inspired my work was the elder scrolls series because it had many of the elements that i want to include into my final piece like the unique looking wildlife and the way the scene is set out to have a foreground, a lower middle ground and hills in the background to create a skyline.

Another game which had influenced my work was the legend of Zelda the twilight princess, a game i played a lot when i was younger, i used this game as research mainly due to how the lighting in the game was portrayed in some parts of the game, light being a main theme of the game, a lot of the memorable scenery was due to the way the light created a twilight effect having the sun bellow the skyline or just falling or rising filling the scene with an orange glow, this is a prominent feature i wanted within my scene.

Suggestions for development

1: LOTR, Witcher, Destiny, Nomans sky

From the films and games suggested I found reference images I liked that I could take inspiration from in my concept piece. 

2: Robert + Shana parke Harrison    Jerry ulesman     Dominal+Subduminal forms in painting

I found an image I liked by jerry ulesman which showed a floating block in the middle of a field.

3: Asset research and studies. Think about what you could use in your final concept. Think about a backstory behind the land scape.

4: Look at every fantasy type environment. Avatar is a good reference. Look at faund (sci-fi and fantasy)

The terrain in avatar is very un-natural with its floating islands and very colourful glowing plants, some things I want my final piece to include.

5: Look into different time zones. Has the area been destroyed, why does the area exist, how was it built.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Primary source research

i put together existing pictures of landscapes i have taken and compiled them together, i can use them in reference in regards to layouts of the hills and build my own fantasy scene on top, i also added certain pictures i thought already had a slightly fantasy touch like the bottom left picture of a sunset in Ibiza because it showed interesting and vibrant colours in the sky, also the middle picture the hilltops peak above the clouds, I thought in a fantasy world they could be floating islands above the clouds.